Saturday, May 3, 2008

Endo Info

Over the years, I've done some research on this disease, and thought I'd share some of it here. Below are links to some great resources for endometriosis information and a couple of specialists. I'm continually amazed at the number of women who suffer from this disease (I've heard statistics as high as 15-20% of women in the US have endo!), as well as the lack of understanding of it by our medical professionals. After being in debilitating pain for nearly 16 years, I feel so fortunate to have finally found specialists who could completely excise my disease, leaving me with 10% chance of recurrence. I'm not pain free yet, but I'm well on my way to recovery. So, anyway, here are the links:

Center for Endometriosis Care in Atlanta. This is where I had my surgery in March. I can't say enough good about the doctors here! Dr's. Albee and Sinervo have several really informative articles on their website as well.

Dr. Redwine in Bend, Oregon has a great website for endo matters. Dr. Redwine was one of the pioneers in excision surgery and has published quite a bit on the subject.

Endometriosis Research Center is doing some great research and advocacy work on endometriosis. They have many wonderful resources on their website.

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