I've included some pictures below to show the guys hard at work. I even took a couple turns at the apple grinding part--that gym membership sure paid off!

This is Joseph, showing us the ceiling he was helping build (Joseph is a carpentry apprentice). I love this boy so much!
These next 2 photos are of the "bridge" we had to cross to get to Konde Farm. To be honest, I was scared I was going to fall in the river. Thankfully, I had Rugi (pastor's small niece) holding my hand to keep me steady!
This one is me with Pastor's kids: Rugi (she's actually a niece), Manasseh, Becky, and pastor's nephew (who's name I don't remember...):
This is just an example of the types of fine roads we got to drive down... Ah, Salone...
This is Ishmael--we didn't even recognize him, he's grown so much!
I also took a video of some of the women singing in the Loko language during the church service. Loko is unlike any language I've ever heard!