Monday, March 24, 2008

surgery updates

I'm home from Atlanta--recuperating in the comfort of my own bed, with my prescription narcotics and fluffy blankets. Life is good :-) The surgeon at the CEC did a lot of work on me--he spend over 3 hours cleaning up all my endo--and I had a lot of it! He said I was at stage 4, which is pretty much as bad as it gets. He also removed my suspicious-looking appendix, and was able to salvage about half of a cyst-ridden ovary on each side (which was really good, since I wasn't thrilled about the idea of going through menopause at 29!). Now, I just need to rest and heal--I'm looking forward to feeling SO much better really soon!

My mom also had her second knee replacement surgery on Friday. She seems to be doing ok with it all so far. They were moving her to the hospital's in-house rehab soon, so that she can work on getting her strength and mobility back. It will be really good to get this one behind her, too.

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