This fall, I have re-discovered my love of sewing. This has been a great creative outlet for me over the past few months. About 3 years ago, my aunt bought me a sewing machine at a yard sale. I used it a little bit here and there,
hemming pants for Keith or mending a seam, but I hadn't really done much sewing since I was a young teenager.
I had some motivation a couple of months ago, when I found out I would have the opportunity to see some of my good friends from college. One had a baby recently, and the other is expecting in a few months. I always like to give a gift of something home-made if I can, so I worked on these blankets and pillows:

All things considered, they turned out pretty well! I felt pretty good about my work. Then, when my friend Abigail invited me to take a sewing class with her, I was excited to sign up! We worked for 2 weekends on coats. I had so much fun and learned many new things. And the best part is that I created this super cute coat!

sewing shop where we took the class has all sorts of really cute patterns and fabrics. Every time I went in there, I wanted to buy lots and lots of stuff! I did indulge in this turtle pattern. I made this little guy and gave him to my sister for her birthday: